White Mountain School 白山学校

The White Mountain School 白山学校

The White Mountain School 白山学校
  • 入学年级Grades: (Boarding) 9-12, PG
  • 就读学生Students: 123 students
  • 寄宿费用Yearly Tuition (Boarding Students): $57,900
  • 走读费用Yearly Tuition (Day Students): $29,000
  • 录取比例Acceptance rate: 47%
  • 平均课堂Average class size: 10 students
  • 申请日期Application Deadline: Jan. 30

The Background about The White Mountain School 白山学校

We are a school of inquiry and engagement. Grounded in our Episcopal heritage, we prepare and inspire students to lead lives of curiosity, courage and compassion.
Set among the beautiful mountains of northern New Hampshire, The White Mountain School is a college preparatory boarding and day school for students in grades 9-12. Since our founding in 1886, we have remained true to the original focus of New England boarding schools: the development of mind, body and spirit. We develop the mind through our college preparatory curriculum and through a campus-wide ethos of inquiry and engagement in learning. We develop the body through sports and other physical activities, making full use of our spectacular natural setting. We develop the spirit through reflection, exploration of meaning and purpose, and service in the broader world. In the context of a traditional liberal arts curriculum, we engage students in authentic inquiry asking and pursuing questions that matter to them. This inquiry process not only leads to enduring learning, it helps students develop the skills and habits essential for academic success. Our students learn how to frame a question, how to find and evaluate research resources, how to synthesize information, and how to formulate an argument. They develop habits of curiosity, collaboration, and persistence. In short, they become great learners.
The White Mountain School has a traditional college preparatory curriculum. However, it is the intellectual engagement and development of the student that is our ultimate focus. Every class is an opportunity to practice the skills, virtues and habits of mind necessary for success in the 21st century. Within each discipline we offer a range of courses from introductory-level to Advanced Placement, Honors, or student-designed independent studies. But whether a class is labeled as history, science, world languages or visual arts, it serves to further The White Mountain School`s focus on curiosity, critical thinking and communication.
Curiosity- We work to nurture our students` curiosity. We ask them to identify and examine phenomena that spark big questions. Our curriculum serves to guide and inspire students in discovering their passions.
Critical Thinking- Because we encourage students to pose their own questions, we also teach them to identify and ask the right questions. We seek to instill an inquisitive spirit, one that challenges assumptions and dares always to ask the most important questions of all: “Why?” and “How do I know?”
Communication- The ability to communicate well, to speak and write with clarity and grace, is and will remain a skill essential for success in schools, colleges, the workplace and the civic arena. Responsible and effective communication is practiced and honed with every discipline and subject area, whether through participation in discussions, essay writing or the creation and delivery of presentations.
With the idea that `everyone plays`, all students are required to participate in afternoon activities each of the three seasons. Our extracurricular options are diverse and range from Community Service, Farm and Forest and theater to Lacrosse, Rock Climbing, and Cycling. Student leadership positions includeProctors, Citizenship Committee members, Crew Supervisors, and Student Government Leaders. These roles are integral to the community and are elected yearly by peers and faculty members. Additionally, each student and faculty member at WMS contributes to the school by working as part of a kitchen crew and/or work job team.
All students complete an independent project through our LASR program. These general categories demonstrate the range of projects that students choose to undertake. Through LASR students develop the skills needed for success in college and beyond. LASR projects are designed to add value to the world in some form; WMS students work to make a positive contribution to society. This program is our way of saying that passion matters, and that we know each and every student has a spark that we want to help kindle, a fire we want to help focus.
FIELD COURSES Students at The White Mountain School enjoy the unique and exciting opportunity to participate in a week-long Field Course each semester. Each of these immersive experiences allows an in-depth, academic exploration of a specific topic and occurs in a geographic setting ideal for authentic study. These memorable excursions provide an incomparable means for students to explore and develop their passions beyond the walls of the classroom.
SUSTAINABILITY STUDIES Founded in 2001, our Sustainability Studies Department is the first such department at the secondary school level in the United States. The Sustainability coursework helps students become informed, thoughtful and active stewards of the changing ecosystem.

为何申请The White Mountain School 白山学校?

第二个教育理念为大学课堂。白山学校有传统的大学预科课程。但是,培养学生的智力开发参与活动和全方位发展是我们的最终重点。每个课程都是一个对口二十一世纪成功所必需的技能,美德和习惯的培养。在每门学科中,我们提供一系列的课程,从入门级到高级设置,荣誉或学生设计的独立研究。但是,无论课程是否被标记为历史,科学,世界语言或视觉艺术,都有助于白山学校特别的好奇心,有批判性思维和交流能力。第三个教育理念为好奇心 – 致力于培养学生的好奇心。我们要求他们识别和检查引发大问题的能力。课程用于指导和激励学生发现他们的激情。第四个理念是批判性思维 – 鼓励学生提出自己的问题,识别和提出正确的问题。灌输一个好奇的精神,培养挑战和敢于问最重要的问题的习惯:“为什么?和“我怎么知道?”沟通 – 沟通良好,讲话和写作的能力,要有清晰度和优雅,申请学校的材料比较简单,我们是学校直接合作和招生对象。托福成绩要求在70分以上。
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